Happy New Year!
I took a break from posting updates over the festive season, but I didn’t stop writing/editing and I’ve pleased to say that I finished the latest draft of Echoes a couple of days early, and sent the beta-copy to Julie from Royston Writers’ Circle who has kindly agreed to beta-read it for me. So now I’m forgetting about it for a bit and getting on with some other things…
…except I’ve got another idea that’s pinging around my head in a way that won’t let me get away without writing it so I’ll soon be getting onto the next book some time this week. I started Echoes in June, very slowly, and finished in December, at something of a gallop, so I reckon I might be able to write two books this year. Is that a New Year’s Resolution? It might be. We’ll see.
But before I start that I had something else I wanted to do, which is create something as a thank-you for anyone interested enough to sign up for my newsletter. So as of today, if you sign up (link at the top of the page!) you’ll get a link to download a FREE and EXCLUSIVE eBook called ‘Words From My Head’ which is a collection of some flash and micro fiction that I have written over the last ten years. Some of the stories exist out there, on the internet, but never before have they all been collected in one place. It can be yours, all for the price of you agreeing that I can email you from time to time.
So sign up now!
(oh, and if you’ve already signed up for the newsletter don’t worry, I’ll be emailing you a link to the download page soon)