I wrote 538 words today, with a lot of running, and a bit of shooting. Not everyone escaped though… Join me and create the daily writing habit with the #200WordsADay Challenge https://t.co/94YEl5ZD8y
— Phil Oddy (@philoddy) November 9, 2022
That’s today’s word count. Yesterday I wasn’t feeling great so I stopped after 230. That’s just short of 1800 for the week so far, I think, which is slightly off the pace I’d like to set. My first draft was quite short, deliberately so because I wanted to get a basic plot straight, so the second, which I’m currently working through, is as much a rewrite as a redraft. I want to get that done by my birthday at the end of the month to give myself December for a number of passes through to tighten up stuff I know still isn’t right (some characterisation, a bit of context in some places) before it’s ready for beta readers at the start of next year…
Why am I trying to get it beta-reader-ready for the start of next year? Because of this…
Which prompted this:
And I can’t let Han Solo down…
But I’ve now finished the rewrite of Part One so I’m (almost) half way through, which feels like something to celebrate. When I finished the first draft of Part One this happened:
I wrote 271 words today, and with that it’s the end of Chapter Five and the end of Part One. Time for a short break (and a trip to Paris*) and then I’ll be back on it next Monday. Join me and create the daily writing habit with the #200WordsADay Challenge https://t.co/94YEl5Z5j0
— Phil Oddy (@philoddy) August 17, 2022
I’m not going to Paris this time though. Back on it tomorrow!
2 thoughts on “End of Part One”